// For full API documentation, including code examples, visit http://wix.to/94BuAAs import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; import { cart } from 'wix-stores'; //-------------Global Variables-------------// // Number of parts that can be customized. const NUMBER_OF_CHOICES = 4; // Hard coded product ID from the Products collection. const productId = "ad8e5eee-5939-d0aa-6094-e620986543fe"; // Options that have been selected. let selectedOptions = {}; //-------------Page Setup-------------// // Start with clean slate when page loads. $w.onReady(function () { // Clear the customizations by calling the clearSelection() function. clearSelection(); // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the refresh button. $w('#refreshButton').onClick((event) => { // Clear the customizations by calling the clearSelection() function. clearSelection(); }) //-------------Repeaters Setup-------------// selectionRepeatersReady() //-------------Expand/Collapse Sections-------------// // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the first option header. $w('#option1Button').onClick((event) => { // Expand and collapse the appropriate sections by calling the toggleFold() function. toggleFold(1); }) // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the second option header. $w('#option2Button').onClick((event) => { // Expand and collapse the appropriate sections by calling the toggleFold() function. toggleFold(2); }) // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the third option header. $w('#option3Button').onClick((event) => { // Expand and collapse the appropriate sections by calling the toggleFold() function. toggleFold(3); }) // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks the fourth option header. $w('#option4Button').onClick((event) => { // Expand and collapse the appropriate sections by calling the toggleFold() function. toggleFold(4); }) //-------------Cart Button-------------// $w('#addToCartButton').onClick((event) => { cart.addProducts([{ "productId": productId, "quantity": 1, "options": { choices: selectedOptions } }]) }) }); // Clear the customization images by calling the clearSelection() function. function clearSelection() { // Clear out selected options object. selectedOptions = {}; // Hide and clear all the customization images. $w('#bodyImg').hide(); $w("#sleevesImg").hide(); $w('#necklineImg').hide(); $w("#pocketImg").hide(); $w("#bodyImg").src = 'https://'; $w("#sleevesImg").src = 'https://'; $w("#pocketImg").src = 'https://'; $w("#necklineImg").src = 'https://'; // Disable the "Add to Cart" button. $w("#addToCartButton").disable(); } // Select a specific choice for a specific customization option. function selectChoiceForOption($item, option, choiceData) { // Set the selected choice in the selectedOptions global object. selectedOptions[capitalizeFirstLetter(option)] = choiceData.title; // Change the image for the selected option to the selected choice's image. $item(`#${option}Img`).src = choiceData.displayImage; // Show the option image. $item(`#${option}Img`).show(); // If a choice has been selected for all of the options: if (Object.keys(selectedOptions).length === NUMBER_OF_CHOICES) { //Enable the "Add to Cart" button. $item('#addToCartButton').enable(); } } // Utility function for capitalizing the first letter of a string. function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } function selectionRepeatersReady() { // Set up each item in the body selection repeater as it is loaded. $w('#bodySelectionRepeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => { // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks a choice for the body option. $item('#selectBodyButton').onClick(() => { // Select the choice using the selectChoiceForOption() function. selectChoiceForOption($item, 'body', itemData); //on mobile, collapse the repeater and expand the next one if (wixWindow.formFactor === 'Mobile') { toggleFold(2); } }); }) // Set up each item in the sleeves selection repeater as it is loaded. $w('#sleevesSelectionRepeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => { // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks a choice for the sleeves option. $item('#selectSleevesButton').onClick(() => { // Select the choice using the selectChoiceForOption() function. selectChoiceForOption($item, 'sleeves', itemData); //on mobile, collapse the repeater and expand the next one if (wixWindow.formFactor === 'Mobile') { toggleFold(3); } }); }) // Set up each item in the pocket selection repeater as it is loaded. $w('#pocketSelectionRepeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => { // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks a choice for the pocket option. $item('#selectPocketButton').onClick(() => { // Select the choice using the selectChoiceForOption() function. selectChoiceForOption($item, 'pocket', itemData); //on mobile, collapse the repeater and expand the next one if (wixWindow.formFactor === 'Mobile') { toggleFold(4); } }); }) // Set up each item in the neckline selection repeater as it is loaded. $w('#necklineSelectionRepeater').onItemReady(($item, itemData, index) => { // Set the action that occurs when a user clicks a choice for the neckline option. $item('#selectNecklineButton').onClick(() => { // Select the choice using the selectChoiceForOption() function. selectChoiceForOption($item, 'neckline', itemData); //on mobile, make all repeaters collapsed if (wixWindow.formFactor === 'Mobile') { toggleFold(4); } }); }) } // Expand the specified section if it is collapsed. Collapse the specified section if it is expanded. // If expanding, collapse all other sections. function toggleFold(index) { // Set variables for the elements that correspond to specified index's section. let fold = $w(`#option${index}Box`); let arrowDown = $w(`#arrowDown${index}`); let arrowUp = $w(`#arrowUp${index}`); // If the specified section is currently collapsed: if (fold.collapsed) { // Set its elements to the expanded state. fold.expand(); arrowDown.show(); arrowUp.hide(); // If the specified section is currently expanded: } else { // Set its elements to the collapsed state. fold.collapse(); arrowDown.hide(); arrowUp.show(); } // For each section index: for (let i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_CHOICES; i++) { // If it is not the specified index: if (i !== index) { // Set its elements to the collapsed state. $w(`#option${i}Box`).collapse(); $w(`#arrowDown${i}`).hide(); $w(`#arrowUp${i}`).show(); } } }
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